‘Undoubtedly the best single-volume life of Churchill ever written.’
Dominic Sandbrook, Sunday Times

‘The best single-volume life imaginable of a man whose life it would seem technically impossible to get into a single volume.’
Simon Heffer, Daily Telegraph

‘This epic biography … reveals much of the man behind the bulldog Britishness. This is an exceptionally fine life of an exceptional man.’
Nick Rennison, Daily Mail

‘Andrew Roberts’ brilliant, breathtaking, unputdownable new biography of our greatest Prime Minister. … It is always a risk to call any biography definitive but Roberts has had access to more archive material than any previous researcher into Churchill’s life. … All Roberts’s past life has been but a preparation for this hour and this work, and this brilliant book is a fitting crown to his own career.’
Michael Gove, Evening Standard

‘As Andrew Roberts reveals in this wonderfully readable, unashamedly admiring yet far from uncritical biography, Churchill was shaped by the events of his youth. … Roberts has a novelist’s eye for detail. It’s a triumph of the biographer’s art: richly textured, full of lightly-worn authority and, in the final reckoning, irresistibly stirring.’
John Preston, Mail on Sunday

‘It’s the sort of biography that, one feels. Churchill himself would have wanted: colossal, energetic, deeply knowledgeable, properly critical, but also sympathetic and, in places, deliciously funny.’
Noel Malcolm, Sunday Telegraph

‘By drawing on many previously untapped sources, Mr Roberts has produced a more complete picture of his subject than any previous biography.’
The Economist

‘It is what I would call a heroic biography, appropriately matched to the ambition, egotism, and undoubted achievement of the life it describes. It will surely remain the outstanding Churchill biography for many years to come.’
John Campbell, Finest Hour

‘No one has ever doubted Roberts’s determination and courage; the question remains whether he has anything new to say. Rather to my surprise, the answer has to be “yes.’
Philip Ziegler, Spectator

‘Andrew Roberts uses material that has only recently become available, Churchill: Walking with Destiny is a stupendous achievement: lucid, erudite, intelligent, but also inspiring. Roberts catches the imperishable grandeur of Churchill’s life as no other historian has done. Roberts does full justice to Churchill’s superhuman range of activity.’
Daniel Johnson, Standpoint

‘Roberts brilliantly conjures up one of the most fascinating characters of all time. He enriches the saga with wonderful examples of Churchill’s aristocratic eccentricities, glittering oratory and wit.’
Piers Brendon, Literary Review

‘Roberts has made meticulous, exhaustive use of published biographies, memoirs, diaries and histories to create a picture of the whole man “walking with destiny”. This is a work of unequalled scholarship. Read it, and you will not have to bother with the previous 1,000 biographies, the first of which appeared as early as 1905.’
Paul Routledge, The Tablet

It is the examination of whether Churchill’s past prepared him for his war time role that forms the narrative thread that binds this outstanding book together.
James Landale, Reaction

‘At more than 1,100 pages, this is a big beast that’s virile and mobile.’
Robert McCrum, The Observer

‘Anecdotes sparkle like gems throughout Roberts’s book, an exhaustive but fluent text that draws on a wider range of sources than the typical Churchill biography.’
Tony Barber, Financial Times

Churchill is the most superb one-volume biography I have ever read — of anyone. Roberts manages something I thought impossible. He has given us a new, ground-breaking portrait of the man whom many consider to be the greatest ever Englishman. This is a simply wonderful book. A living, poetic, stirring yet thought-provoking portrait of a giant, it will be regarded as a classic for generations to come.’
Stephen Pollard, Jewish Chronicle

‘Moving, inspiring, magnificent.’
Douglas Murray, Evening Standard Books of the Year

‘For a finely written, stimulating take on a familiar subject, there’s Churchill: Walking with Destiny by my friend Andrew Roberts.’
Melanie McDonagh, Evening Standard Books of the Year

‘It is one of the many pleasures afforded by Andrew Roberts’s compendious biography that he gives us detailed analyses of how Churchill composed his speeches…this is a compelling account of an extraordinary life.’
Lucy Hughes-Hallett, New Statesman

‘A somehow original, magisterial, rounded and vim-filled study of Britain’s most celebrated statesman.’
Justin Marozzi, Evening Standard Books of the Year

‘Andrew Roberts triumphed over my skepticism with his riveting account of the extraordinary life of the most remarkable individual to have lived at No 10.’
Andrew Rawnsley, The Observer Books of the Year

‘The most acute, readable and entertaining of Churchill biographies, Roberts’s behemoth does a superb job of teasing out what made the great man tick.’
Dominic Sandbrook, Sunday Times Books of the Year

‘This colossal biography by the phenomenally energetic and ever-readable Andrew Roberts is the history book of the year.’
Evening Standard Books of the Year

‘Andrew Roberts’s immensely readable and engaging addition to the already vast oeuvre posed for me a timely question: are sheer bloody-minded grit and bulldog determination really enough to win the day against impossible odds? Our politicians today are sound-bite ciphers, robots or clowns by comparison. This book is a reminder of what greatness is, and how far short of it they fall.’
Tony Rennell, Daily Mail

‘Roberts provides an exhaustive chronology and res gestae, meticulously sourced and dated, scrupulously fair-minded and vivified by Churchill’s energy and panache. What he offers is often hugely readable, thanks to its insouciant, epigrammatic subject. Walking With Destiny contains almost a mot a page.’
Gideon Haigh, Sydney Morning Herald

‘Can anything new be said about Winston Churchill, especially after the multi-volume biographies by Martin Gilbert? Definitely, and in Churchill: Walking with Destiny, Andrew Roberts has brought us up to date with a lively and sympathetic portrait which also shows the flaws of this great leader.’
Irish Independent Best Books of 2018

‘In Churchill: Walking With Destiny, Andrew Roberts achieves the rare distinction of producing an eminently readable book underpinned by scrupulous academic scholarship. It is an absorbing read – a complete, documented account of an extraordinarily rich and historically significant life lived to the full.’
Neville Teller, Jerusalem Post

‘Not only is it the best biography I have read this year; it might well be the best I’ve read ever. In terms of Roberts’s oeuvre, this book will surely stand as his masterpiece. This is biography as art, and a finer example one could scarcely hope to read. Why on earth does the world need another biography of Churchill? Before reading this, it would have been hard to say. Afterwards, very easy indeed – because it needed Andrew Roberts to write it.’
David Olmroyd-Bolt, The Catholic Herald

‘The best justification for this book is its sheer readability. In the unfashionable tradition of Gibbon, Trevelyan and Macaulay, Roberts writes gripping narrative history without deserting high scholarly standards. Roberts’ study, surely the last word for years to come on Churchill, points out in dramatic relief the contrast with the stature of the man and the pygmies who pretend to “rule” us today.’
Nigel Jones, History Today

‘Andrew Roberts’ new mammoth work, Churchill: Walking with Destiny, contains around 1,000 pages and that is not one page too many. British and American reviewers have called it perhaps the best Churchill biography ever. Those are weighty words, because there are 1,009 such biographies. But we will stick our neck out and say that this is the best one-volume biography to date.’
Michael Kuttner, Jyllands-Posten

‘In my opinion, the book, Churchill: Walking with Destiny, is the most precious gift of the year 2018 – in history, education, knowledge and literature. an extraordinary historian with unparalleled clarity and vision has produced an epic biography of the wartime British premier. Important historical books are also spiritual. They encapsulate the spirit of noble intentions, uncompromising views and impeccable writing. If there were a Nobel Prize for historical research, Andrew Roberts would be a perfect candidate.’
Inna Rogathchi, The Jerusalem Report